Oil Painting Portrait Studio
with Ed Higgins
The next installment in Ed Higgins’ popular oil painting atelier will be concentrating on portraits. Some prior experience with oil paints or past attendance in one of Ed’s portrait classes is recommended, but new students should contact the instructor prior to signing up (ed_higgins@icloud.com). We will warm up with speed sketches, develop individual projects, and have occasional guest sitters. Minimum material requirements for this class are: an easel, surfaces to paint on, a set of oil paints (portrait colors), brushes, Liquin original gel medium, Odorless paint thinner, and lots of rags. *No Class: 4/23. **Special note about art materials: Please do not call our office about materials. Come to the first class with your favorite sketchbook and drawing pencils & pens. Suggested materials will be discussed by the instructor on the first day of classes. Thank you.
Session 1: Mar 26 - Jun 4th, 2025
Wed for 10 weeks from 1:00 - 4:00 pmWill run