Making Dandelion Wine
with Zack Rouda
Fermentation is one of the world's oldest food-preservation technologies. Humans have been fermenting foods and beverages for thousands of years; in some cultures, the consumption of alcohol was largely restricted to religious ceremonies. Many animal species have been known to become intoxicated from fermented fruit, including monkeys, squirrels, birds, and moose! Making dandelion wine is a terrific springtime tradition. Best if you have a bottle from last year leftover to pop open. Learn to make wine from foraged fruits and flowers! We will cover the whole process, start to finish, so students will be able to complete the process on their own; although we won’t actually produce (nor drink) any wine together.
Session 1: May 1st, 2025
Thu for 1 week from 5:30 - 7:30 pm