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Middle Eastern Belly Dance Mixed Level Drills & Thrills
with Josephina Gasca

Authentic Belly Dance, or raks sharqi, is an ancient form of dance. Raks sharqi means “dance of the east” in Arabic. Belly dance celebrates every body type and every stage of life. The dance is proud and powerful and soft and sinewy with elegant and isolating movements emanating from the core. It’s the Pilates of dance. And so much fun! This is a great refresher class for experienced dancers and suitable for dancers new to belly dance. Please wear comfortable clothing, similar to what you might wear to a yoga class that will allow for free movement and the ability to see your movement. Hip scarves make it even more fun. You can dance barefoot or in a pair of comfortable dance shoes in the studio. Zills (finger cymbals) will be used in class. Check in with the instructor before you purchase any. As an added bonus, you will also have access to a video library with instruction, drills, and ongoing choreography during the length of the session. The class fee is per person and for 10 sessions. Class meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month: 9/11, 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 1/22, 2/12, 2/26. *No Class: 11/27 & 12/25.
Merrymeeting PREMIER Membership Club
with Merrymeeting Staff

BECOME A PREMIER MEMBER TODAY! Join the Merrymeeting PREMIERE Membership Club for only $25! *membership fee is annual.
Membership benefits include:
Early Access: Premier members receive a copy of our catalogs prior to public distribution, for exclusive early access to class schedules and offerings (actual registration still limited to public release).
Loyalty Program: Premier members receive $5 off every class they take with Merrymeeting (applies to all classes under $100, excluding certain programs).
Catalog Opportunity: Premier members may submit announcements in our future catalogs, as we are dedicating a page for announcements by our Merrymeeting Premiere members. (restrictions apply, contact us directly for details).
Discount Offer: Premier members receive a 10% discount on any Merrymeeting Youth & Family program (excluding DE and any program over $400; can only be used once annually).
Subscription Service: Premier memberships include a free subscription to our latest Merrymeeting Premiere Magazine (exclusive annual online publication emailed directly to club members).
Special Invitations: Premier members will enjoy access to special workshops and events developed especially for them.
Beekeeping: The Fundamentals
with Sagadahoc County Beekeepers Association

This six class course of instruction is designed for those that wish to become a beekeeper. The course will cover the what, why, and how of beekeeping. Topics include but are not limited to bee biology, equipment requirements and setup, seasonal management techniques, diseases, pest management, honeybee environmental benefits, and hive products. The goal of this course is to develop a foundation for new beekeepers to be prepared to keep bees. A course textbook will be provided to each student. Meets in Rm 160. *NO CLASS: 2/20.
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. The chord method is LOTS of fun and dramatically easier to learn than reading notes. Fee includes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class and also an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is held online using zoom and is partly hands-on instruction and partly lecture demonstration. *This course includes ONE live online session, and students follow up on their own with provided video lessons.
Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Fee includes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class and also an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is held online using zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partly lecture/demonstration. For ages 13+. *This course includes ONE live online session, and students follow up on their own with provided video lessons.
Pilates: All Levels
with Barbara McGranahan

If you are familiar with the principles of Pilates and/or have completed the Intro to Mat Pilates w/ Barbara offering you are ready to get down to some practical work. A brief review of basic techniques that underpin all Pilates exercises and then on to foundation exercises and progressive exercises. Joseph Pilates said: "In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body." Let's continue to work toward your postural, musculoskeletal alignment and development,and safe movement. **No Class: 11/27. ***Please bring your own mat.
Yoga: All Levels
with Barbara McGranahan

Yoga is one of the oldest "holistic" health-care systems in existence, focusing on both the mind and body. Through the practice of yoga postures and breath work, you can connect with your body and mind and discover your spirit; yoga is the art of listening to all parts of your Self. Hatha yoga postures linked with the breath have a powerful effect on all systems of the body providing the energy to age gracefully, stay fit, improve circulation and posture, loosen and lengthen knotty muscles, reduce stress, increase bone density, and promote relaxation at the end of the day. Please bring a yoga mat. Recommended props include a cushion and/or yoga blanket, blocks, bolster, and strap.
Chair Yoga Online
with Nicola Eden

You are welcome to experience the gifts of yoga through awareness of mind and body, attention to movement and breath, through an exploration in slowing down, and moments of settling to stillness, all to support your journey. Guided online with a sustainable approach and open to all. Enjoy this online class from the comfort of your own space. A sturdy and stable chair is recommended for this class/practice. Nicola Eden is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher with a State of Maine Teacher Certification.
Watch this video message from instructor, Nicola Eden: CLICK HERE
*For JANUARY Session: No Class 2/1.