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General Enrichment
Investing at Retirement
with Sarah Blondin

Nearing or entering retirement? Maybe you're just thinking about it? Join us to learn how developing a customized strategy can assist you in identifying considerable risks to mitigate them while making the most out of your benefits and assets. This can help you plan for a financially secure retirement!
History of Malaga Island
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

Learn about the eviction of a complete community living on Malaga Island in Casco Bay in 1912. Learn the prehistory of the island's use by our indigenous people and post history of the island after the eviction. Learn a bit about the mainland African American village in coastal Maine that no longer exists but predated the Malaga Island Colony. Visit the island remotely through a slide show created by Master Maine Guide, Alice. This course is offered via Zoom.
Summer Solstice Ceremony
with Jeannie Sullivan

Celebrate the Summer Solstice by honoring the light while making a joyful noise! Summer is such a wonderful time of year so let's ring it in with joy and music. Bring your rattles, drums. chimes, your voices and anything that you want to make a music with! We will call in the directions, dance, sing, and have FUN!! Bring water to drink, a chair or something comfortable to sit on, something to eat and enough to share, as well as an offering to the earth. An offering can be birdseed, cornmeal, flowers, nuts, lavender, a stone, a song. *There will be a potluck lunch hosted outside the classroom at the end of the program, so bring your favorite dish! Merrymeeting has a refrigerator that participants can use to store food.
World History for Everyone
with Laurie Notch

*NOTICE OF LOCATION CHANGE: The location for this program has been moved from Brunswick High School to the Adult Center Center in Topsham.
Ever wonder about how the people of yore lived? Who were the Anunnaki? When did the first humans arrive in the Americas? Julius Caesar... a fashionista? Enter the 'Wayback Machine' to explore ancient societies around the globe from prehistory to 1500 C.E. with this engaging lecture course that shows how the past affects the present. History does repeat itself!
Understanding Social Security
with Sarah Blondin

Do you wish you had a better understanding regarding your social security benefits? Do you want to make sure you're getting the most out of your benefits? Join us to learn how!
Ghost Stories for Summer Nights
with Laurie Notch

*NOTICE OF LOCATION CHANGE: The location for this program has been moved from Brunswick High School to the Adult Center Center in Topsham.
Remember sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and telling scary stories? In this short course with Laurie Notch, you will learn the history of the ghost story, why it is popular in cultures worldwide, and how to spin your own spooky yarn for fun and entertainment.
Woven Window Feeders
with Zack Rouda

Humans have been weaving baskets for hundreds of thousands of years. Many plant materials may be used to weave with: vines, leaves, bark, wood, and more. Basket weaving requires various skills, all involving twisting and pulling and wrapping the materials around each other. Weaving a small project, like a fish (pictured), or a heart or five-pointed star, along with other shapes, can provide a comprehensive, beginner-friendly introduction to most of the skills required for full-scale basketry. Learn to make a beautiful woven window feeder for birds! We'll cover identification, responsible collection, materials processing and storage, and creation, including the basics of stake-and-strand waling and randing weaves.
Writing Stories for Children
with Stephanie Garrity

Everyone remembers a special story from when they were a child; a story that they have remembered all of their lives. That is what a well written children’s story does, it makes an impact. But even though children’s stories may be easy to read, creating stories for children is one of the most challenging – and fulfilling things you will ever do as a writer. In this course your instructor will share tips and techniques for creating stories designed specifically for children under the age of 10. We will cover picture books, early readers and grade school level story writing.